Ardanmurchan Blogger

Better late than never!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Sorry for the long absence from the site. Heavy work season last year plus a 3 month vacation in Spain over the winter! Just had to escape all that wind and rain and, apart from -8C some nights in Aragon in the N of Spain, the temperature was very appealing. Did not manage to reach Portugal this year - kind of meandered about in La Rioja, Aragon, over to Barcelona and down the Coast as far as Tarragona and south of Valencia. Then inland to one of my favourite places - The Alpujarras. Very disappointed in the whole coastline, some of which I had not visited for years - when will the Spanish planners ever learn? And do they need any more golf courses - I doubt it, when there is such a lack of rainfall. Perhaps developers greed has something to do with it. Hardly any natural coastline left - such a shame. The best places are to be found inland - also the camp site - the coastal ones are crowded in winter and no doubt in summer too.

Enjoyed the walking and the cycling. Cost of living going up also in Spain but still good menus del dia and good fruit and vegetables to be had in the markets. Fuel is cheaper than UK too. What a fright when I returned home!!

I had good opportunities to use my Spanish - especially in Andalucia. This year managed to catch Carnaval as it was early - I was in Pego (south of Valencia) at the time, and although this is a fairly small inland town, near Oliva, it was quite an event. Hundreds of young and older people thronging the street in amazing costumes. The drummers were fantastic and probably my favourite. There were also 5 large stages with good bands to suit most tastes - all for free. Quite incredible.


posted by Scottish Tour Guide @ 2:55 AM