Ardanmurchan Blogger

Time for rhodies and azaleas!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

For those of you who are keen on gardens - the west coast of Scotland is the place to be at this time of year. Many beautiful gardens in the Argyll area - Benmore, Crarae (near Inveraray), Arduaine, on the way to Oban and the smaller but very interesting Ardkinglas garden at Cairndow. Perhaps farther afield - the gardens on the Islands of Gigha and Bute are worth catching a ferry to.

Spring is late this year - one day it is here - the next it has gone! A cold but sunny couple of good weeks at the end of April has now turned to rain - hopefully the warmer weather will return soon. The trees are late in budding this year but ...... the swallows have arrived at last, after their long journey north. The azaleas and rhododendrons are now starting to bloom and this is the time to spend meandering through the gardens to see them at their best.


posted by Scottish Tour Guide @ 3:17 AM