Ardanmurchan Blogger

Blazin' In Beauly, 2009

Sunday, November 01, 2009

The week's relaxation in Turkey was followed immediately on my return by my annual pilgrimage to Beauly with my fiddle - an event not to be missed, as far as I am concerned. Blazin' in Beauly is the annual musical tuition week held in Beauly and organised by Bruce McGregor and his team from Blazing Fiddles, the well kent traditional Scottish music group, now well known all over the world. The tuition is first class and this year we had, amongst tutors, Alasdair Fraser, Bruce, Alan, Iain, Catriona and Andy from 'Blazing' and Greg Lawson (Moshie's Bagel), who inspired us with his world music classes.

As in previous years we had the expert guidance for the ensemble work from Rick Taylor. Great 'sessions' in The Lovat Arms & Callie Bar with the usual contributors and Brian Cromarty (The Chair, Orkney), Duncan Chisholm and Michael McGoldrick popped in too! The concerts were wonderful - with some highlights with the Fiddle Competition judged by Aonghas Grant with compere Robbie Shepherd (Alan Henderson), on the Monday night, from Alasdair and Natalie Haas and a great group 'The Crooked Still'. The final Friday night concert and ceilidh was superb - the most fantastic week of my music year, with the opportunity to meet people of all ages from all over the world. Roll on next year - 10th year of Blazin' in Beauly and thanks to all the team who put so much work into it.

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posted by Scottish Tour Guide @ 10:53 PM